how to avoid dental crowns if you do not really need them

Dental crowns are a type of restoration that uses a tooth-coloured cap to strengthen and protect weakened or damaged teeth. While an effective solution in some cases, dental crowns are not to be taken lightly. To place a dental crown, your dentist will have to file down your tooth enamel, which is an irreversible process.  

Today, there are many new techniques and technologies available to offer patients more conservative restorative methods before considering dental crowns in West Edmonton. 


When Are Dental Crowns Used?  

A dental crown is used to replace the structure of your original tooth and act as a support. Dentists use dental crowns if your natural tooth is chipped, cracked, or broken, or if it requires a very large filling due to tooth decay. Dental crowns may also be used to hold a dental bridge in place.  


What is the Procedure for Dental Crowns?  

As mentioned above, your dentist will have to grind your tooth down to fit the dental crown over it. Getting a dental crown usually requires two appointments. Your dentist will shape your tooth at your first visit and take impressions of it before placing a temporary crown over it for protection. The impressions taken by your dentist are then sent over to a dental lab, where your permanent crown is manufactured. You will come back for your second visit and have this permanent crown placed.  


What Are the Alternatives?  

With today’s advanced technology, dentists in West Edmonton have many more opportunities to attempt dental fillings before using dental crowns. To give yourself the best chance at avoiding a dental crown, do the following:  


1. Ask for Referrals  

Ask your friends and family about their dentist’s approach to restorative options and if they tend to take a more conservative approach. 


2. Read Online Reviews 

Your dental office should have an online presence where patients can post reviews of their services. By doing a quick search, you should be able to learn about the dentist, their approach to dentistry, and the latest techniques that they have been using. 


3. Ask Questions 

When you are receiving any form of dental treatment, it is important to ask questions. You should feel comfortable and knowledgeable about what your dentist is planning. Don’t feel shy to ask questions such as: 

  • How many patients are offered dental fillings versus dental crowns
  • Why dental fillings are not viable options in your case
  • How your dentist concluded that a dental crown is the best option for you 

You can also ask about their equipment, education, professional background, and anything else you feel is relevant. 


4. Look for Innovative Technology 

Search for a dentist near you that is up to date on the latest practices and innovative technology in dental restoration. 


5. Prevention 

If you want to avoid the need for dental restoration in the first place, you should follow some good practices at home. Avoid snacks such as popcorn and gummies that can get stuck between your teeth. Try to avoid eating anything hard like ice or jawbreakers. Having foods like these can push a compromised tooth over the edge. Make sure that you also brush and floss daily to keep your mouth free of harmful bacteria. 


Speak to a Dentist Today 

At All Smiles Dental, our team of dedicated dental professionals puts your wellbeing first. Our dentists are here to listen to all your questions and concerns about dental crowns near you, and we are happy to work with you to find an effective solution to your dental needs that you are happy with. Please contact our clinic to book a consultation today!